Saturday, December 6, 2008

This Guy Asked Me, "What's the Point, In Getting A Website" this week.

This week on one of my many B2B marketing campaign stops. I was speaking with the owner of a car dealer here in New England and he actually said it. He asked that same question I hear all the time. Although I had to bite my tongue, the very sound of those words literally irritated my ears to the fullest. I wanted to shake him and say, "God Man!". How can some business owners still not understand the potential for a business with a website as an extension of their storefronts , parking lots and catalogues.

There are many choices and options just to even get started and it could be quite confusing when you are starting out.

But not understanding how to make it all work and not getting the point that it does work are completely diffrent topics.

Why can't some business owners just swallow their pride and stop trying to figure out what they don't know and let someone else do the job someone else knows and let them focus on running the rest of their business.

From the very nature of this and many more of my blogs, my own mission has become to help people understand the value in this technology that the net delivers to us.

How could this one guy be so blind to the fact that there was so much potential in using new media marketing methods to get more customers to his location.

Here's a business that has a brand new website and they don't have a clue how to manage it properly.

Opening his mind wasn't easy. But I left him with some information and made and appointment for next week.

Hopefully I can help him to understand the potential with a nice SEO program that can show him the point in having a website.

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